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Q: What is the sum four times a number and twice the same number?
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Six times the sum of twice a number and four?

Call your number some variable, for example, "n". Twice the number would be 2n, adding four to that you get 2n + 4, and six times all that is 6(2n + 4), which is the same as 12n + 24.

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2x - 4 = 6x -4 = 4x x = -1

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The equation would be as follows: 4x=2x-14 2x=14 x=7

If twice a number is 28 what is three times that same number?

The answer is 42

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Whatever the variable was.

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9+4x=2x-1 2x=-10 x=-5

Nine less than twice a number equals the same number increased by four?

There is no selected number so it would be a variable. The answer is 2n-9 (n is the number which you choose)

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Six less than twice a number?

twice a number can be 2x and six less than it is 2x-6.

The sum of twice a number and 4 times the same number?

Let's call the number XTwice the number would be 2XFour times the same number would be 4XThe sum of these two is 2X + 4X = 6XThe answer is therefore six times the number.

What is twice a number more than five times another number?

Let's name the first number "X" and the other number "Y" thus: 2X+5Y is the same thing as twice a number more than five times another