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Q: What is the sum of the interior angle measure of an nonagon?
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What is the sum of the polygons interior angle measure if one exterior angle measure 40 degrees?

It is a 9 sided nonagon and its 9 interior angles add up to 1260 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angle measures of a nonagon?

1260 degrees

What is the sum of the interior angle measures of an nonagon?

1260 degrees

What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular nonagon?

A regular nonagon is a shape with 9 equal sides, right? Well, with the equation (n-2)180, where n is the number of sides, you can find the sum of the interior angles. Then you divide that number by n to get the measure of each interior angle. You do the rest. If your in A+:140'

What is the sum of a nonagon?

The nine interior angles of a nonagon add up to 1260 degrees

What is the measure of an interior angle and an exterior angle of a nonagon?

The sum of the interior angles of a polygon is 2n-4 Right Angles For a nonagon (2x9)-4 RAs = 14x90°=1260° To find the interior angle of a regular nonagon, divide this by 9 which gives 140° To find the exterior angle, subtract this from 180 and you get 40°. The sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°, so for a regular polygon you can also divide this by the number of sides, which in this case also gives: 360° ÷ 9 = 40°

What are the measurements of interior angles of a regular nonagon?

The sum of the interior angles of a nonagon is (9 - 2) x 180o = 7 x 180o = 1260o In a regular nonagon, each interior angle is 1260o ÷ 9 = 140o

What is the sum the interioer angle of an nonagon?

The 9 interior angles add up to 1260 degrees

What is the sum of measure of a nonagon?

A nonagon is a 9 sided polygon and its 9 interior angles add up to 1260 degrees

What is the angle of nanogon?

There is no such thing as a nanogon. However, there is a geometrical figure called a nonagon. An interior angle of a nonagon can have any value between 0 and 360 degrees (except 180); the only restriction is that the sum of all nine interior angles of a nonagon is 1260 degrees.

What is the sum of the intrior angle measures of a nonogon?

The interior angles of a nonagon add up to 1260 degrees

What is each interior angle measure of a regular nonagon?

Total sum of interior angles of a polygon of n sides is found by the equation: S = 180(n-2) For n = 9, S is 1260. Divide 1260 by 9 to get (for regular nonagon): =140