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Q: What is the surface area of a right circular cylinder with base circle of radius of 5M and height of the cylinder 10M?
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What is the formula in getting the total area of a cylinder?

The surface area of a (circular) cylinder is the circumference of the circle times the height If you need to add the surface of the ends then add twice the area of the end circles. Given r as the radius of the (circular) cylinder and h as the height, the area A is: (2*pi*r*h) + (2*pi*r2)*2 = A

What is the surface area of a circular cylinder with a radius of 1ft and a height of 10ft?

The surface area is 69.12ft2

What is the surface area of a circular cylinder with the height of 11 and the width of 8?

Surface area is 376.99 units2

What is the surface area of a circular cylinder with a radius of 10 feet and a height of 28 feet?

Surface Area = 2,387.61 ft2

What is the surface area of a circular cylinder with a radius of 9.5 feet and a height of 36.75 feet?

Surface Area = 2,760.67 ft2

Surface area of a closed circular cylinder with 10 as the radious and 9 as the height?

The formula for surface area of a cylinder is: 2(pi)r2+2(pi)rh. r= radius h= height.

Volumn of a cylinder?

The volume of a (circular) cylinder is pi r^2 h. In other words, it's the area of the base circle times the height.

How does the formula of the area of a circle relate to the volume of a cylinder?

The volume of a cylinder is its height times the area of its base. And the area of its base is the area of a circular shape.

What is the formula of r?

It depends on what r is and on what information you have. Even if r is a radius of a circular shape, you would have different formulae depending on whether: it is a sphere and you have the volume, it is a sphere and you have the surface area, it is a circle and you have the area, it is a circle and you have the circumference, it is a circle and you have the length and angle of an arc, it is a cone and you have volume and height, it is a cylinder and you have volume and height etc.

What is the formula for calculating total surface area of a cylinder?

A cylinder has two circular ends, then the long side surface, which is actually a rectangle if you flatten it out. You need the radius of the circular end (distance from the middle to the edge), and the height of the cylinder to work out the surface area. Doing the circular ends first, the surface area is given by the formula PI x radius squared. PI is 3.1415 for normal use. There are two ends, so count the answer twice. The side surface is a rectangle with one side of the height of the cylinder, and the other side the circumference of the circular end. The circular end length is 2 x PI x radius of the circular end. Now multiple that answer by the height of the cylinder. Finally add together the area of the two ends (don't forget to count both), and the area of the rectangle making up the long side, nd that's your answer.

What is the surface area of a cylinder?

The surface area of a cylinder is 2πrh + 2πr². The variable r is the radius and h is the height.2πr² is the area of the top and bottom parts of the cylinder.2πrh is the area of the round circular part.

The volume of a circular cylinder varies directly with the height of the cylinder and with the square of the cylinder's radius If the height is halved and the radius is doubled then the volume will be?

The volume of a circular cylinder varies directly with the height of the cylinder and with the square of the cylinder's radius If the height is halved and the radius is doubled then the volume will be increased.