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Q: What is the symbol with two dots on top of each other called?
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The Lewis structure for Helium is He with two dots next to each other, above the He symbol. The dots must be drawn next to each other, they represent the two electrons found in the 1s-orbital of the Helium atom.

What do the dots mean in the yin and yang symbol?

The Yin and Yang themselves symbolize balance between all things; light and dark, male and female, life and death. The dots (note that the Yin's dot is the color of Yang, and vice versa) symbolize that each contains the other within itself. Like male and female, each contains aspects of the other, and neither is truly complete without that balancing energy.

Each composite location on a CRT screen is really made up of three dots and is called a?

It's called a triad.

How can seven dots be so that there are six rows of trees in a straight line with each row having three dots?

Three of the dots are the vertexes of an equilateral triangle, the other three dots are the midpoints of the triangle's sides and the seventh dot is the centroid.

What is the symbol for section?

The symbol is §. It looks like two S's on top of each other.

Who use a dot map?

the distribution of population or other object may be shown by putting dots of uniform size and each dot representing certain number or quantity. this is called dot map>.

What is a line called with two arrows and two dots in the middle?

It is still a line (since lines are continuous, it has two arrows, one on each end of the line). The dots are used to name the is called an number line

What is the symbol for is similar to?

The symbol is three vertical lines next to each other the symbol above is the symbol for approximately equal to.Wrong, the correct symbol is ~

What is the symbol that is a circle that is half black and half white with a dot on each half called?

That symbol is called yin and yang. It represents the concept of dualism in Chinese philosophy, illustrating how seemingly opposite forces are interconnected and interdependent in the natural world.

What is the math symbol for similar to?

The symbol is three vertical lines next to each other the symbol above is the symbol for approximately equal to.Wrong, the correct symbol is ~

Why is ring very important?

because this is the symbol of a married couple to be faithful to each other to love each other and etc.

How many dots are there in a total on pair of dice?

A pair of dice has a totla of 42 dots, 21 on each die.