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it has adkdgbsgbsd'g


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โˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: N6 has 4 dots over it N8 has 5 dots and n10 has 6 dots What formula can make where each n can go into the dots above them the 1 formula has to work for all of the n's?
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Related questions

How do you make an N with two dots above it?

.. n

How can you put the two dots above a letter in typing such like this ร„ รค?

Um. i don't know how to make an i with dots but i can do this Alt+142=Ä and Alt+148=ö hope that that helps you out

How many dots is braille based on?

Almost all braille is made up of six dots. However, some refreshable Braille displays use eight dots in each cell to save room and make reading quicker.

How do you make 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots?

a star drawn with five lines will give you 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots on each line. (or) simply draw a pentagon and put a cap ( a inverted 'V') on all sides.

What stings make red dots?

wasps make small red dots

How do you draw cute cartoon puppies?

you draw two circles beside each other and then put three dots in them then you make a triangle above the circles then draw a loop for the tongue and then draw half a circle from one circle to the other then draw some eyes and make some ears.

What are the two dots above an a called when it makes a short o sound?

The two dots above an "a" that make a short "o" sound are called a diaeresis or umlaut. It indicates that the vowel should be pronounced separately and not combined with the preceding vowel.

What are the small dots which make up a bitmap graphic?


What part of speech is the word dots?

The word dots is a noun or a verb. Dots as a Verb: Sammy dots his paper with a paint brush. Dot as a noun: Sammy connected the dots to make a picture.

What did Louis Braille use to make the Braille method?

Louis Braille (as he was called) created a system where each letter of the alphabet was represented by a number of (maximum: 6) dots. For making those dots he originally used a stitching awl.

How do you close four dots with three lines?

First, make a triangle. Then put the four dots anywhere on the triangle.

Why do you have to mark every 5 dots in a ticker timer why not everyone?

Because, the time interval between each dot is too small (0.02 sec/dot)when you mark every 5 dots you make it a time interval of 0.1 sec and it is easier to read the displacement.