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at a depth of 50 feet its 20 Degrees C' unless cold water percolates the area you have bored' so you have to test drill in different areas;

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Andrew Langham

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1y ago
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Q: What is the temperature below ground at 50 feet?
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Do mountains have the highest temperatures of any land form?

Air temperature-wise, no. But overall ground temperature per area of land, (in respect to flat land) yes. if 200cubic feet of land is 50 feet x 50 feet x 50 feet, and is only heated on the top 50x50 sq feet, (ground level) then it will get energy to it than if it were 200cubic feet shaped like a triangle (mountain.) more surface area to be warmed and what not.

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Always figure a drop of 2 degrees C per 1K feet in rise as a standard. So if the ground is near sea level, 30K feet would be 60C below ground temp. It varies somewhat, but that's the rule of thumb.

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It is possible to get sick regardless of the temperature.

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normally when the temperature falls consistently below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

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it's colder 50 feet balow becuase sun can reach that far to heat it

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Proabably anything below 50 degrees....

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it depends on how high the window is. but if itsl ike5 feet from the ground then your skull would split in half and your headwould explode... but if its like 50 feet from the ground then you will land perfectly on your feet

What are some real life situations using the integer-50?

If someone loans you 50 dollars, which you then spend, you will owe them 50 dollars which could be represented as you having -50 dollars. If you are at an elevation of 0 feet above sea level, then dive below the water 50 feet, your elevation would be -50 feet.

Can a passenger jet fly 50 feet off the ground?

Given a skilled enough pilot - yes.

How many concrete swimming pools are installed annually?

above ground 50 thousand yearly. below ground 25-35k a year nationally.

The summer temperature of a tundra climate?

is never above 50 degrees