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Q: What is the triangle over a vowel called?
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What is the line over a vowel called?

Over a long vowel it is called a breve, and over a short vowel, I believe it is called a circumflex.

What is a vowel with a breve over it called?

a short vowel

What is the mark over a short vowel called?

The mark over a short vowel is called a breve. It is a diacritical mark used in various languages to indicate a short or light pronunciation of the vowel it is placed over.

Example words of a vowel sound in a vowel triangle?

The words "bee," "bet," and "bay" can be visualized as a triangle on a vowel chart, with "bee" at the top, "bet" and "bay" forming the bottom corners.

What is a line over a vowel called?

An accent.

What is the 2 dots over a vowel called?

Two dots over a vowel is normally called a dieresis. There is a special case of the dieresis in German where the two dots cause the vowel to change (sound and meaning): this special case is called umlaut.

What is the curved line over a short vowel called?

The curved line over a short vowel is called a breve. It is used to indicate a short pronunciation of the vowel.

What are the symbols of the vowel triangle?

The symbols of the vowel triangle typically refer to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols representing the three corners of the vowel triangle: /i/ for close front, /a/ for open front, and /u/ for close back vowels. These symbols are used to represent vowel sounds in linguistic analysis and transcription.

What is the name of the inverted v over a vowel in French?

It is called a circumflex.

How do you know if it is indicating the long vowel sound in Japanese?

It depends. If you are reading from kana, there will be a doubled vowel or a line indicating the doubling. If you are reading from 'romanji', English lettering, there will either be a line or a triangle over the vowel indicating it should be lenghened or it may be doubled or another lenghening vowel may follow, as in "ou".

A bar over a vowel indicates that the vowel is?

A bar over a vowel, also known as a macron, typically indicates a long vowel sound in phonetics. It shows that the vowel is pronounced for a longer duration than a short vowel.

Can you give the different American vowel sounds using triangle vector?
