

What is the line over a vowel called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Over a long vowel it is called a breve, and over a short vowel, I believe it is called a circumflex.

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What is a line over a vowel called?

An accent.

What is the mark over a short vowel called?

The mark over a short vowel is called a breve. It is a diacritical mark used in various languages to indicate a short or light pronunciation of the vowel it is placed over.

What is the curved line over a short vowel called?

The curved line over a short vowel is called a breve. It is used to indicate a short pronunciation of the vowel.

What is the mark over a vowel indicating it is sounded separately?

A horizontal line This "horizontal line" that indicates a long vowel is called a Macron. The curved line(the "smile") over a short vowel is a Breve.

What is a vowel with a breve over it called?

a short vowel

Is a vowel with a line over it a short or long sound?


What do the a long vowel and short vowel symbols look like?

The long vowel symbol is a bar across the top of the letter, called a macron.The short vowel symbol is a U-shaped curved line called a breve.

What is the 2 dots over a vowel called?

Two dots over a vowel is normally called a dieresis. There is a special case of the dieresis in German where the two dots cause the vowel to change (sound and meaning): this special case is called umlaut.

What is the name of the horizontal line over a vowel?

In certain languages, such as Latin and pinyin Mandarin, a macron is placed over the top of a vowel. The most common use for this diacritic is to indicate the long vowel in a word.

What is the symbol for a short vowel sound?

A breve (˘) is the symbol used to indicate a short vowel sound in phonetic transcription.

What do you call the mark above a short vowel?

The mark above a short vowel is called a breve. It is used to indicate that the vowel is pronounced as a short sound.

What does an a with a line over it symbolize?

In the concise oxford dictionary it means the vowel has the same sound as the 'a' in mate. But I think the meaning can vary. The word Maori is often written with a line over the 'a' but the vowel sound in Maori is not the same as in mate.