

What is the volume of matter?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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Q: What is the volume of matter?
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What is anything that does has mass and volume?

matter is what has volume and mass also occupies space. It exists in three state namely: solid- has mass, volume and shape, Liquid- has volume and mass, and Gas- has volume and mass too.

What do matter mass and volume mean?

What do matter mass and volume mean

What is the amount of matter in a certain volume called?

Density= Matter/volume.

Is metal are matter?

Anything that has mass and volume is matter. Metals have mass and volume, therefore they are matter.

Are volume and mass properties of matter?

yes mass and volume are properties of matter

What has both mass and volume?

Matter is anything that has mass and volume.

What is the amount of matter given in volume?

The amount of matter is mass. Volume is the amount of space that matter takes up. The amount of matter in a given volume is density.

Matter with no definite shape or volume?

There are two states of matter that has no definite volume or shape. They are a gas and plasma. Solid matter has a definite shape and volume.

What is the amount of space that matter in an object occupies?

The amount of space that matter in an object occupies is its volume.

Which state of matter has no shape but has volume?

The liquid state of matter has volume but no definite shape.

What type of matter can change shape and volume?

The matter that can change shape and volume is gas.

What is a charactestic of matter?

Matter has mass and volume.