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It's 2, with same length-unit as the one in the speed

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Q: What is the wavelength if velocity is 50 and frequency is 25?
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What is the velocity of a wave that has a frequency of 50Hz and a wavelength of 20 meters?

Wave speed = (frequency) x (wavelength) = (50) x (20) = 1,000 meters.

What is the wavelength of a wave with a velocity of 50 ms and frequency of 5 hz?

10 m

What is the wavelength of a wave with velocity of 50 ms and a frequency of 5 Hz?

10 m

A wave is moving toward shore with a velocity of 50.0 if its frequency is 2.5 hertz what is its wavelength?

50 / 2.5 = 20, same units as numerator of velocity

What is the frequency of a wave with a velocity of 100ms and a wavelength of 20m?

Frequency = Velocity / Wavelength = 100 m/s / 20 m = 5 s-1 or 5 Hz.

If a wave has a wavelength of 10 mm and a frequency of 5.0 hertz what is the speed?

Wavelength= 10 mm. Frequency= 5.0 hertz. Speed= 50 mm/second (wavelength x frequency)

Ham radio operators broadcast at a frequency of 50 Hz What is the wavelength of this radiation?

A Frequency of 50 Hertz has a Wavelength of 5.9958e+8 Centimeters 1.9671e+7 Feet 5.9958e+6 Meters

What is the period of a wave with a wave speed of 50 meters per second and a wavelength of 10 millimeters?

Frequency = speed/wavelengthPeriod = 1/frequency = wavelength/speed = 0.01/50 = 0.2 millisecond

Why frequency of thunder is 50 hertz and frequency of whistle is 1000hertz?

It just is. Sound behaves like a wave, and the pitch of the sound affects the wavelength. And wavelength is directly related to the frequency. A high pitched sound has a a shorter wavelength and a higher frequency than a low-pitched sound.

What is the wavelength of 50 Hz electricity?

assuming that the electrons travel very close to C (the speed of light, i.e. 299 792 458 m / s) then simply using:Wavelength = Velocity / frequency it is given: Wavelength @50Hz= (299 792 458 (m*sec-1))/(50 (sec-1))=599584917 m = ~6000km (remember that once the distance gets to factors of 25%, 50%, 100%, 125% ... of the wavelength, funny stuff happens to your transmission line due to the equivalent impedance at the receiving point!)

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 50 cm and a frequency of 4 KHz?

The speed of a wave is equal to the product of wavelength x frequency. Just convert everything to standard units (wavelength to meters, frequency to hertz), multiply both, and you'll get the result, also in standard units (meters / second).

How does increasing the wavelength by 50 percent affect the frequency of a wave on a rope?

it decrease the wave length