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There need not be any wavelength if the body is moving laterally and continues to do so.

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Q: What is the wavelength of a body of mass 88 mg and moving with a velocity of 50 meters per second?
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What is the velocity of a wave that has a frequency of 50Hz and a wavelength of 20 meters?

The velocity of a wave can be calculated using the formula: velocity = frequency * wavelength. Plugging in the values, the velocity of the wave would be 1000 meters per second.

What is the wavelength of a wave that has a velocity of 0.4 and a frequency of 0.2 Hz?

The wavelength of a wave can be calculated using the formula: wavelength = velocity / frequency. Plugging in the given values, the wavelength is 2 meters.

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What is the velocity of a wave with a frequency of Hz and a wavelength of 2 m?

The velocity of a wave can be calculated by multiplying the frequency (Hz) by the wavelength (m). In this case, if the frequency is given as Hz and the wavelength is 2 m, you would multiply the two values together to find the velocity of the wave in meters per second.

If the wave lenght is 2 meters what is the velocity of the wave?

The velocity of a wave is calculated by multiplying its frequency by its wavelength. Without knowing the frequency of the wave, we cannot determine its velocity. If you have the frequency, you can use the formula: velocity = frequency x wavelength.

What is the wavelength of a 5Hz wave travelling at 3 meters per second?

velocity is equal to frequency times wavelength. You have velocity and frequency given so wl = v/f. The wavelength is 3/5m, or 6cm.

You can determine the velocity of a wave when given the frequency and the?

wavelength by using the formula: Velocity = frequency x wavelength. The frequency indicates how many wave cycles pass a fixed point in one second, while the wavelength is the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase. By multiplying the frequency by the wavelength, you can determine the speed at which the wave is traveling.

What is the physical quantity of 12.1 meters per second?

12.1 meters per second is a measure of speed or velocity, indicating that an object is moving at a rate of 12.1 meters every second.

What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 3 m and a frequency of 4 Hz?

Frequency = Velocity / wavelength. So Velocity = (frequency)*(wavelength) Hz is a unit meaning cycles per second or just sec-1(4 sec-1 )*(3 m) = 12 meters per second

Calculate the velocity of a wave having frequency of 0.5 Hz and wavelength of 5 m?

The speed of a wave = (frequency) x (wavelength) = 2.5 meters per second.

What would be the velocity of a deepwater wave with a wavelength of 50 meters and a period of 6.5 second?

The velocity of a deepwater wave can be calculated using the formula v = L/T, where v is the velocity, L is the wavelength (50 meters), and T is the period (6.5 seconds). Substituting the values gives v = 50 meters / 6.5 seconds ≈ 7.69 m/s.

What is the Velocity of a toothpick?

The velocity of a toothpick would depend on how fast it is moving. If it is stationary, its velocity would be 0 m/s. If it is moving, its velocity would be the rate of change of its position over time, measured in meters per second.