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on a solid structure the bearing weight is according to thickness x.414 +span

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Q: What is the weight bearing capacity of one inch threaded 316 stainless steel?
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Is the femur weight bearing?

The fibula does not bear weight, but several muscles originate from it. The fibula, is the thinner bone in the lower leg, not made for weight bearing, however the tibia is made for weight bearing, which is the larger bone in the lower leg.

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The ulna is the major weight bearing bone in the forearm.

Aircraft Floor bearing weight?

Floor bearing weight: 140 lbs to 200 lbs. per sq. ft.

Which bones are weight bearing bones?

All of the bones in the foot (phalanges, metatarsals, and tarsals), the tibia and femur are weight bearing bones. The fibula, which lies next to the tibia in the lower leg is not a weight bearing bone.