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Q: What is thirteen and ten seventeenths minus five and five sevenths?
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What is one minus two sevenths?

Five sevenths

What is five over eleven minus two sevenths?

Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 5/11 - 2/7 = 13/77 or thirteen seventy-sevenths.

What is seven minus five sevenths?

6 and 2 sevenths

What fraction is equivalent to five seve?

It is not possible to answer the question because it is incomplete. The answers would be different for five sevenths, five seventeenths, five seventy sixths or whatever.

What is 3 and five sevenths minus 4 sevenths?

3 and 1 seventh :)

If a-sevenths minus five-sevenths equals six-sevenths what does an equal?

a - 5 is 6. So a is 11

What is six and three sevenths minus five and five sevenths?

45/7 - 40/7 = 5/7

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What is 3 minus 2 sevenths?

3 - (2/7) = 2 5/7 or two and five sevenths.

What is three minus one and five sevenths?

1 2/7