

What is thirty five hours times twelve dollars equals?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is thirty five hours times twelve dollars equals?
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10 hours and 30 minutes.

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8:00am is eight hours, 8:00pm is twenty hours (20:00). 12:00am is zero hours (00:00), 12:00pm is twelve hours. 12:30am is thirty minutes (00:30), 12:30pm is twelve hours and thirty minutes. 4:30am is four hours and thirty minutes, 4:30pm is sixteen hours and thirty minutes (16:30).

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About $43,200

Fifteen hours and thirty minutes times twelve?

Convert everything to hours, or everything to minutes, then multiply. In this case, it is easier to convert everything to hours - 15h30m = 15.5 hours.

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If Lawrence walked twelve miles in six hours, he was walking two miles per hour. In 30 minutes he would have walked one mile.

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Twelve hours

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$150 x 6 hours = $900.00

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c = 5+ 3*h