In mathematics, in almost all instances, you are not allowed to divide by zero, so the answer would be 'disallowed' or something similar.
When you think about division in the most basic sense, it is the act of separating a quantity into a number of groups. So when you try to imagine separating 37 of something into zero groups, the equation does not make sense.
No, zero divided by four is not equal to four. It's actually equal to zero. In fact zero divided by any number is equal to zero, except for zero divided by zero because you can't divide by zero.
Yes, zero divided by ten does equal zero. When zero is divided by any number, the result is zero.
No matter what, zero divided by anything is always going to be zero. If a number is divided by zero, it does not exist because nothing can be divided by zero.
This question has already been answered. Zero divided by zero is zero itself. It is NOT equal to two.
It doesn't zero divided by any number other than zero is zero.
Any non-zero number divided by itself is equal to one.
Zero divided by any number is zero. If you start out with two numbers that aren't zero, then the result of a division is never zero.
When the numerator of any expression or fraction is zero then the result is zero because zero divided by any number is always equal to zero.
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
Undefined: You cannot divide by zero
No, zero divided by anything is considered 'undefined' which means there is no answer. However, the answer would be zero, not 0.1