

What is three fourths take away one fourth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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one half

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Q: What is three fourths take away one fourth?
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-- Take 40 pennies. -- Split them up into 4 equal piles. Each pile is one fourth of the 40 pennies. -- Take 3 of the piles. You now have three fourths of the 40 in your hand. -- Count the number of pennies in your hand. If you've done everything accurately, you'll find that you're holding 30.

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9 and 3/4

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Three fourths.

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three fourths

Why does it take three fourths of the states to ratify an amendment?

becuase obama is president

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6/8 will simplify to 3/4, so the answer is 3 fourths.Since the question was "how many fourths are there ... ?" , the answer is 3 . If you answer three fourths they may take it as 3/4 .

What take two-thirds congress and three-fourths states to approve?

a amendment to constitution in usa

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3 because if the limit is 2 you X it by 2 and take away a fourth of the answer 3 because if the limit is 2 you X it by 2 and take away a fourth of the answer

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It is 2.25

When is one half of something larger than three quarters of something else?

When you cut a car in half, and then take three-fourths of a piece of bread.