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Q: What is three quarters of a pound?
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A Cememt Block Balances evenly on the scales with three quarters of a pound and three quarters of a block What is the weight of the whole block?

3 pound

What fraction of a pound is 75pence?

It is three quarters.

Is three quarters forty pence of one pound?


What is the fraction of three quarters of a pound?

3/4 lb.

If cheese costs 8.00 a pound which would cost more two thirds of a pound of cheese or three quarters of pound?

I think its a close call but i think 3 quarters of a pound costs more

How much is three quarters of a pound in meat in decimal form?

It is 0.75 pounds.

How much does three hundred dollars in US quarters weigh in pounds?

if $20 worth of quarters is 1 pound, $300 worth of quarters is 15 pounds...

How many Washington quarters in a pound?

80 US quarters are in a pound.

What is 7 three quarters tons as a pound?

7.75 x 2000 = 15,500 pounds

How much does half a pound of quarters way?

0.5 pounds * 4 quarters/pound = 2 quarters

How much does a pound of quarters weigh?

A pound IS a unit of weight, so one pound of quarters weighs ...... one pound.

How many quarters in pound?

4 quarters