There are 653 Pence in six pounds fifty three.
Three hundred fifty-five and three tenths.
653 pence
352.8 = three hundred fifty-two and eight tenths.
trois livres et cinquante pence
56.3 !
three hundred fifty dollars and seventy cents or three hundred fifty point seven or three hundred fifty and seven tenths
To write "three hundred fifty-two and four-tenths" in standard form, you would combine the whole number and the decimal. The whole number "three hundred fifty-two" is written as 352, and the decimal "four-tenths" is written as 0.4. Therefore, when combined, "three hundred fifty-two and four-tenths" in standard form is written as 352.4.
Fifty three and five tenths
Fifty-four and three tenths.
you can by a good couple of sweets xxx