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Q: What is translation down 3 units?
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For this translation, you need to replace every occurence of "x" with "x-3", and every occurence of "y" with "y+5".

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The coordinates are (10, 5).

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What are the coordinates if it is 4 units down and 3 units to the right?

In cartesian coordinates (x, y) = (3, -4)

What translation moves a triangle 4 units to the right and 8 units up?

the translation of 2 is the one that triangle moves by 4 units right and 8 units up

What happens when you translate a figure down 3 units then up 3 units?

The figure will remain in the same position it started as.

What describes the translation of the graph of y x2 to obtain the graph of y -x2 - 3?

A reflection about the x-axis (in other words, turned upside down) and then moved down three units. So basically, it'll end up as an upside down parabola (not squashed, stretched, or anything) with its vertex (which is a maximum) at (0,-3).

How do you get from point 4 6 to 1 2?

By going left 3 units and down 4 units.