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when you multiply the area of the small triangle by four it equals the area of the large triangle.

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Q: What is true about the area of similar triangles when the sides are increased by the factor of two?
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What is a scale factor on a triangle?

If two triangles are similar, then the reduced ratio of any two corresponding sides is called the scale factor of the similar triangles

Will the lengths of two corresponding altitudes of similar triangles will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides?

It is given that two triangles are similar. So that the ratio of their corresponding sides are equal. If you draw altitudes from the same vertex to both triangles, then they would divide the original triangles into two triangles which are similar to the originals and to each other. So the altitudes, as sides of the similar triangles, will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides of the original triangles.

What is the scale factor of the perimeters of triangle ABC and triangle WXY?

APPLYING THE SCALE FACTOR OF SIMILAR TRIANGLES TO THE PERIMETER The scale factor of two similar triangles (or any geometric shape, for that matter) is the ratio between two corresponding sides. In today's lesson, we will show that this same scale factor also applies to the ratio of the two triangles' perimeter. This is fairly easy to show, so today's lesson will be short. PROBLEM Two triangles, ΔABC and ΔADE are similar, ΔABC∼ ΔADE. The scale factor, AB/AD is 6/5. Find the ratio of the perimeters of the two triangles. Similar triangles in geometry STRATEGY We will use the definition of the scale factor to define one set of sides in terms of the other set of sides, Then, apply the definition of the perimeter. and write out the perimeter of both triangles using one set of sides. SOLUTION (1) ΔABC∼ ΔADE //Given (2) AB/AD = 6/5 //Given (3) BC/DE = 6/5 //(1), (2), scale factor is the same for all sides in similar triangles. (4) AC/AE = 6/5 //(1), (2), scale factor is the same for all sides in similar triangles. (5) AB = 6/5*AD // rearrange (2) (6) BC = 6/5*DE // rearrange (3) (7) AC = 6/5*AE // rearrange (4) (8) PABC=AB+BC+AC //definition of perimeter (9) PADE=AD+DE+AE //definition of perimeter (10)PABC=6/5AD+6/5DE+ 6/5*AE //(8), (5), (6) , (7), Transitive property of equality (11)PABC=6/5*(AD+DE+AE) //(10), Distributive property of multiplication (12) PABC=6/5*PADE //(11), (9), Transitive property of equality (13) PABC/PADE=6/5 And so we have easily shown that the scale factor of similar triangles is the same for the perimeters.

Two triangle are similar and the ratio of the corresponding sides is 4 3 What is the ratio of their areas?

area of triangle 1 would be 16 and the other triangle is 9 as the ratio of areas of triangles is the square of their similar sides

Suppose that and are corresponding sides of similar triangles If AB 6 and the scale factor is 3 what is EF?

I assume the corresponding sides are AB and EF, and EF is a side of the larger (second) triangle. scale factor 3 means each length of the second is 3 times as long as the first. ⇒ if AB = 6 units, EF = 3 x 6 units = 18 units.

Related questions

What is a scale factor on a triangle?

If two triangles are similar, then the reduced ratio of any two corresponding sides is called the scale factor of the similar triangles

What is true about the area of similar triangles when the sides are increased by a factor of two?

When you multiple the area of the small triangle by four it equals the area of the large triangle.

What do you call two triangles with proportional sides?

They are said to be similar but not congruent triangles.

How you can prove that the angles of two triangles are equal?

If the angles of two triangles are equal the triangles are similar. AAA If you have three angles on both triangles these must be equal for the triangles to be similar. SAS If you have an angle between two sides and the length of the sides and the angle are the same on both triangles, then the triangles are similar. And SSS If you know the three sides

Is sss a way to find if triangles are similar?

Triangles are congruent if all three sides in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding sides in the other.When two triangles have corresponding sides with identical ratios, the triangles are similar.Of course if triangles are congruent, they are also similar.

Will the lengths of two corresponding altitudes of similar triangles will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides?

It is given that two triangles are similar. So that the ratio of their corresponding sides are equal. If you draw altitudes from the same vertex to both triangles, then they would divide the original triangles into two triangles which are similar to the originals and to each other. So the altitudes, as sides of the similar triangles, will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides of the original triangles.

Do similar triangles have proportional sides?


Is it possible for two triangles to have two pairs of sides that are proportional without the triangles being similar?

Yes. You can even have two triangles with two pairs of sides that are the SAME measure without the triangles being similar.

Are acute-angled triangles similar?

Similar in the number of sides but not congruent

What do two triangles need to have in common in order to be similar?

similar sides.

What do similar triangles look like?

similar triangles have all the same angles in each of them, and their sides can be of any length

What is true about the angles and sides on similar triangles?

All the Angles and sides on Triangles are always going to equal 180 Degrees