Triangles are congruent if all three sides in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding sides in the other.
When two triangles have corresponding sides with identical ratios, the triangles are similar.
Of course if triangles are congruent, they are also similar.
A triangle that can be made in more than one way
No. Equilateral triangles have 60o angles. There is no way to build a right-angle triangle with sides of equal length.
The way you do trigonometry is by working with triangles. Trigonometry is a math class that is taught in high school and usually followers algebra and geometry.
By definition all spheres are identical in shape because a sphere is perfectly round. That's what "sphere" means. In the same way, all perfect squares are identical and all equilateral triangles are identical. Spheres might be larger or smaller, but the shape of all is the same because there is only one kind of sphere.
Here guys Thanks :D Congruent triangles are similar figures with a ratio of similarity of 1, that is 1 1 . One way to prove triangles congruent is to prove they are similar first, and then prove that the ratio of similarity is 1. In these sections of the text the students find short cuts that enable them to prove triangles congruent in fewer steps, by developing five triangle congruence conjectures. They are SSS! , ASA! , AAS! , SAS! , and HL ! , illustrated below.
Yes, AAA is a way to show that triangles are similar. Note, however, that AAA is not a way to show that triangles are congruent.
They are both closed figures
They can be constructed in more than one way. They have fractional dimension. They are self-similar. They are constructed by removing small triangles from a big triangle.
The only general way is to divide the pentagon into three triangles, calculate the areas of the triangles and add them together.
One way is they both are triangles and have 3 sides.
The first thing you prove about congruent triangles are triangles that have same side lines (SSS) is congruent. (some people DEFINE congruent that way). You just need to show AAS is equivalent or implies SSS and you are done. That's the first theorem I thought of, don't know if it works though, not a geometry major.
4 triangles make 1 hexagon. (easy way to find out how many triangles there are in a polygon- take number of sides of the polygon, subtract 2 from it, that's your answer!)
Triangles are not equal to each other in the same way that 5 = 5 or 23 = 8 + 15 because they are not discrete values. Congruent is a similar term to equivalent, which allows comparison.
Such as? If you can break the shape up into triangles you can find the area that way. Or, you can get into calculus-based equations if you have an equation for the random shape.
I find the easiest way is to split the triangle into to right angles. This will only work if you know the length of the base or if you can find another part of your two new triangles using trigonometric or Pythagoras functions.