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Q: What is two hundred fifty five dollars plus tax?
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55+646=701 == ==

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No, three hundred forty five plus two hundred fifty three is less than six hundred. The sum of 345 and 253 is 598, which is less than 600.

How do you write 1956 in roman numeral form?

One thousand is M and one hundred is C. Fifty is an L and five is a V. The proper notation would be one thousand plus one hundred subtracted from a thousand plus fifty plus five plus one. It would look like MCMLVI.

What is four hundred fifty plus four hundred fifty?

900 use a calculator

What is 2 dollars plus 2 dollars fifty?

$4.50 four fifty

What does LXXVLL mean in roman numerals?

I - one V - five X - ten L - fifty C - one hundred D - five hundred LXXV would be fifty plus ten plus ten plus five which equals to seventy five, but usually there would not be two letters such as LL at the end of a number like this. I am guessing that by LL you mean one hundred, so 75 before 100 is 25. So your answer (I think) is 25!

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1 thousand 150 one hundred thousand and fifty 100,050

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506 five hundred and six