

What is x in 7 plus 4x equals 34 plus x?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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7 + 4x = 34 + x

Don't expect answers for homework, but I'll do this one.

The rule for ANY math equation is to apply the same operation to both sides including using the same numbers. (operations are +,-,/,*, etc). And you can combine numbers with the same type of variable or lack of (e.g. 2x + 3x = 5x or 2 + 2 = 4 or 5yx + 7xy = 13xy)

(7 + 4x) - 7 = (34 + x) -7 // subtract 7 on both sides

4x = 26 + x

(4x) - x = (27 + x ) - x // subtract x on both sides

3x = 27

(3x)/3 = 27/3 // divide by 3 on both sides

x = 9

check the answer

7 + 4*(9) = 34 + 9

7 + 36 = 43

43 = 43; so correct

Writing this is a long form, but do this when you are first learning, then simplify your writing as you figure tricks or can do it in you head.

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