To convert a fraction to a percentage multiply by 100:
you/7 = you/7 x 100 %
= (100 x you)/7 %
7 over 1 = 7/1 = 7 7 as a percent is 700%
7 over 15 is 46 2/3 percent. You get this by dividing 7 by 15.
7/7 is 100%
7/100 = 7%
7/1000 as a percent would be 0.7%
7 over 12 as a percent = 58.33%% rate:= 7/12 * 100%= 0.5833 * 100%= 58.33%
Percent is over one hundred. 7/20 = 35/100 = 35%
The smallest is 7 over 20. 7/20 = 0.35 or 35%
7/0 = 0%
7/500 is 1.4%.
7/1250 = 0.56%