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It's a mixture.

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Q: What kind of class of matter is a marble collection?
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What kind of class of matter is granite?

Granite is a solid.

What kind of rock is is marble?

Marble is a metamorphic rock.

When sedimentary rock is heated it changes into marble what kind of rock is a marble?

a metamorphic rock

What kind of marble tiles can be fired?

Never heard of a good reason to fire a marble tile

When a artist carves a marble statue he is working with a kind of rock?


Why are waves not matter and why they don't carry matter?

The idea is that energy is transferred from one point to another. A simple experiment with glass marbles is very illustrative. Put some marbles - say, 3 - in a straight row. Preferably in some kind of groove, so that they don't escape to the sides. Make a 4th. marble knock into the row of marbles from behind. The new marble stays right behind the last marble, but the first marble in the row gets away! Quite simply, the impulse was transferred from each marble to the next - the marbles themselves remained in place. Well, the ones in the middle at any rate.

What kind of marble did michelangelo use to sculpt david?

Yes he did. Some claim he chose the slabs of marble he wanted at the quarry.

Marble is a form of what kind of rock?

Metamorphic rock.

What is a kind of non-foliated metamorphic rock?


What kind of rock is Victoria memorial made out of?


What kind of adhesive do you use to repair marble to marble?

Contact your local granite tools supplier. You are looking for knife epoxy.

What kind of rock is gniss?

---- ====== ====== Is it a igneous , marble , metamorphic , or sedimentary