

What kind of decimal numbers are irrational numbers?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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They are the decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions.

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Q: What kind of decimal numbers are irrational numbers?
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Related questions

What kind of decimal numbers are irrational number?

Decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational numbers

Can an irrational number be expressed as a terminating decimal?

No, irrational numbers can't be expressed as a terminating decimal.

What does non-terminating irrational decimal mean?

All irrational numbers have decimal representations which are non-terminating.

What are the irrational numbers?

Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers or as a repeating or terminating decimal.

What kind of numbers are irrational?

Numbers that can't be expressed as fractions are irrational.

Can an irrational number be a decimal if so give an example?

Irrational numbers are decimal numbers that can't be expressed as fractions. An example is the square root of 2

Why cant irrational numbers be represented in decimal form?

But irrational numbers are decimals that can't be expressed as fractions

How is the decimal of an irrational number different from the decimal of a rational number?

The difference is that rational numbers stay with the same numbers. Like the decimal 1.247247247247... While an irrational number is continuous but does not keep the same numbers. Like the decimal 1.123456789...

What are three details about irrational numbers?

Irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions Irrational numbers are never ending decimal numbers The square root of 2 and the value of pi in a circle are examples of irrational numbers

Are integers irrational numbers?

No- integers are a kind of rational number and are not irrational. One well-known example of an irrational number is the square root of 2.

Why not all the decimal numbers can be written as rational numbers?

Decimal numbers that can be expressed as fractions are rational but decimal numbers that can't be expressed as factions are irrational

How many decimal places does an irrational number have?

Decimal representations of irrational numbers are non-terminating and non-repeating.