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Q: What kind of graph is used to compare data about different groups?
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What is a double broken line graph?

They are used for when each data group contains two different sets of frequency data. A double bar graph is used to compare both between and within data groups

What kind of graph is used to compare different kinds of data?

Any graph can be used for such a purpose.

What is the one purposes of cicle graph?

To compare data from different sources.

What kind of data does a bar gragh show?

A bar graph shows categorical data represented by rectangular bars. Each bar represents a different category and the height of the bar represents the frequency or amount associated with that category. It is commonly used to compare and display data in categories or groups.

The best graph to use if I want to compare the price of six different cars would be a?


Which type of graph would be best to compare the data?

A Bar Graph

How do circle graphs hep compare different groups of data?

Circle graphs, or pie charts compare the percentage of different things.

What Uses vertical bars to display data?

A bar graph uses vertical bars to display data. Each bar represents a category or group, and the height of the bar represents the value or frequency of that category. This type of graph is commonly used to compare and visualize data across different groups or categories.

What is a graph used to compare two similar kinds of data?

Bar graph :)

What kind of graph is used to compare different kinds of scientific data?

Any kind of graph can be used. It depends on the nature of the data, the type of comparison and the preferences of the person writing up the results.

What is the advantage of using multiple lines in a line graph?

You can compare two different data sets on the same chart.

What is advantage of using multiple lines in a line graph?

You can compare two different data sets on the same chart.