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Q: What kind of hexagon has twelve sides?
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What kind of octagon has 6 sides?

No kind of octagon has six sides. An octagon has 8 sides. A hexagon has 6 sides.

What kind of shape shape has 6 sides?

A hexagon has six sides. It also has six corners. It looks like this:

How many sides does a hexagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides A hexagon has 6 faces .sides.

Which have more sides hexagon or pentagon?

A hexagon has 6 sides and a pentagon has 5 sides

How many sides does a regular sides does a hexagon have?

A regular hexagon, like any other hexagon, has six sides.

What do you call a shape that has 12 sides?

Well, 2-D shape is a square, or a quadrilateral

Do a hexagon have 5 sides?

No, a hexagon has six sides.

How man sides has a hexagon?

hexagon has 6 sides

How sides does a hexagon have?

a hexagon has 6 sidesAn hexagon is a 6 sided polygon

How do you divide a hexagon into twelve equal parts?

Assuming the hexagon is equilateral (all six sides are the same length) 1) Draw a straight line from each angle in the hexagon (where the sides meet each other) to the angle on the opposite side of the hexagon. You have divided the hexagon into 6 parts now. 2) Find the center point of each line forming the sides of the hexagon. Draw a line from each center point to the opposite side's center point so that all lines drawn are at right angles to the sides. You will have 12 equal parts

Do a hexagon with all congruent sides?

A hexagon with 6 congruent sides is a regular hexagon

Does a hexagon has all of its sides congruent?

Yes! All six sides of a hexagon are congruent. It doesn't have to have all sides congruent. A hexagon only needs six sides to be a hexagon.