

What kind of number has one factor?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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The number one.

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Q: What kind of number has one factor?
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What kind of numbers have one factor?

The only number with just one factor is 1.

What kind of number is one?

One is an odd number which is neither a prime or composite number because it has only 1 factor which is itself.

What number is in every factor?

One is a factor of every number.

Why is one a factor of any number?

One is a factor of any number, because any number can be evenly divided by one.

Is one a factor in every number?

yes it is a factor for every number.

What is a number that is factor of every number?


Why is a factor a factor of itself?

Because any number times one equals the original number. Therefore, one and the number itself will always be a factor pair of any given number.

What is the number that has only on factor?

1 has one factor.

What number has only one prime factor?

No prime number only has one factor. Each prime number has itself and 1 as factors. Now, the number 1 of course has only one factor, but it is technically not a prime number.

What is the least number of factors that a number can have?

One has one factor.

How you know that any two numbers have at least one common factor?

The number one is a factor of every number.

What number has an even factor?

Any even number has at least one even factor.