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Exact and clearly proven causes of the rise or fall of ancient civilizations are seldom found. Until an actual historian chimes in, I'd humbly suggest that in the case of the Mayans, strong leadership, agricultural improvements, increased trade, and greater wealth lead to higher cultural achievements in the arts and sciences.

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Q: What led the Maya to excel in basket weaving jewelry making math and other skills?
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What did the Amerindians brought to the Caribbean?

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What tools did the Papago Indians use?

Some of the tools that Papago Indians used are spears, clubs, bows, and arrows. They rarely went to war and were known for their impressive basket weaving skills.

What are the qualifications for being called a master basket weaver?

To qualify officially, you would have to fulfill the requirements set forth by the National Basket Organization. This involves mastering skills such as carving handles and many weaving techniques. However, a "master" basket weaver might simply be a person who is very skilled but has never even heard of the National Basket Organization.

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The California Indians were known for their art and basket weaving skills. They also smoked peace pipes and had acorn ceremonies.

If someone is interested in improving their weaving skills what are some books they could read?

If you are interested in improving your weaving skills there are many books available to help you with your skills. The Age of Homespun by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and I Weave You Weave by Leclerc Looms will help you in with your weaving skills.

Which ancient civilization is known for weaving?

While many ancient cuvilizations were known fir weaving, Incans have always been known for amazing skills at weaving.

What did a weaver do in colonial America?

Colonial weavers weave things. Things like basket weaving were men's jobs, maybe women, but things like weaving on looms were definitely womens' jobs. In flax production, the rippling, retting (rotting), and swingling were all men's jobs, because it was too hard for women to do.

How arachne feel about her weaving skills?

Arachne believed her weaving skills to be as good as Athena's. Athena heard about this and came down to challenge Arachne to a contest to see who could weave the better blanket/tapestry/piece of fabric. The story goes that Arachne's weaving was equal to that of Athena's, but the story that her piece depicted was offensive to the Gods and therefore Athena turned Arachne into a spider so that she could spend the rest of her days weaving webs.

How does arachne feel about her weaving skills?

Arachne believed her weaving skills to be as good as Athena's. Athena heard about this and came down to challenge Arachne to a contest to see who could weave the better blanket/tapestry/piece of fabric. The story goes that Arachne's weaving was equal to that of Athena's, but the story that her piece depicted was offensive to the Gods and therefore Athena turned Arachne into a spider so that she could spend the rest of her days weaving webs.

Why were pottery and weaving among the first skills to be developed?

Because they made products that everyone could use.

Who was a skilled weaver who angered Athena by bragging about her skills?

Arachne was the weaver that challenged Athena at a weaving contest. Arachne won, but Athena turned punished the impious pretensions of her acolyte Arachne by turning her into a weaving spider.

What kind of tools did Seminoles use?

they used bows, arrows, spears, and canoes