

What length number?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What length number?
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A whole number is a pure number: it is not a measure of length. For example, an object which is a whole number of millimetres in length will mostly not be a whole number of inches.

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There is an infinite number of solutions. Pick any positive number for the length, then divide 142 by that number to get the other number.

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multiply the length by the width(a.k.a the length by the height).

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There will be Length/Width widths in 1 length. This will normally be a number that is greater than 1.

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Use the rule that the shortest leg has length p, the other leg has length 2p and the hypotenuse has length p*sqrt(3) Where sqrt(number) if the square root of the number.

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Choose ANY positive number of feet for the length. Divide 4356 by that number, to get the width.

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".length()". The . length method is inherited from the String class.