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Math is good for science and engineering of any type.

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Q: What majors can you do if you are good at math but bad at essay writing?
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Is it normal for people who are good at math to get low grades in essay writing?

Good students should be able to do well both at math and essay writing. If you are having trouble with essay writing, you should do more reading. Everything that you read has something to teach you about writing.

Is it true that if you're good at math but not good at essay writing you have dyslexia?

no it is normal. i am good at maths but not too good at essay writing too but dont have dyslexia

What majors can you do if you're good at math but not at biology and writing code?

Math, physics, astronomy, architecture, actuarial science, statistics, possibly genetics.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at essay writing you will fail technical writing for science and engineering?

That is possible, but it depends upon how bad you are at essay writing. You should probably ask your tutor to evaluate your essay writing and give an opinion of it. Hopefully you have a good tutor who is capable of doing that.

What majors are suitable for people who are good at math but not necessarily at writing essays or as people call it papers?

A good major would be in education. You could become a math teacher.

Is it true that if you are good at math but not essay writing you have a learning disorder?

No, it could simply be that you are not sufficiently motivated.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at literature and essay writing you will fail physics and chemistry?

No, it is not true. It is false.

What college and university majors are for people who are good at math but bad at essays?

Most university majors will require you to write essays regardless, but there are some majors that don't emphasize a lot of writing: Economics Math Engineering Science(except biology and some fields of chemistry)

Are students capable of studying and working in engineering or science if they are good at math but bad at essay writing?

No. If you're bad at essay writing, you might as well just get used to saying "You want fries with that?".

What college majors are the least writing intensive?

Math, Engineering and the Hard Sciences(except biology lol), however, regardless of the major, you have to be good at some level of writing.

What college and university degrees are suitable for dyslexic or dysgraphic people who are good at math?

Most likely science majors, math and engineering, but it's a good idea for dyslexics to improve their writing skills a bit.

Do you suck at physics and engineering if you are good at math but bad at programming chemistry and essay writing?

No. You do not suck. You can truly . . . whatever the opposite is.