

What makes square and rectangle the same?

Updated: 4/28/2021
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14y ago

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They are not technically the same. A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square.

A rectangle requires opposite sides to be the same length. A square's opposite sides are the same length so it is a rectangle.

A square requires all sides to be the same length, not just opposite sides. So most rectangles are not squares.

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Q: What makes square and rectangle the same?
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What makes a square a special kind of rectangle?

A square is a rectangle in which all the sides are the same length.

Is a rectangle the same as a square?

No. A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle is not a square.

Is a rectangle a square or is a square a rectangle?

O.K. to help you guys out a square is a rectangle. a square is a square that has four sides the same rectangle is not a the same only to sides are there that are the same for each side. Hope i helped you out

Square and rectangle are the same or not?

A square is a rectangle however a rectangle is not a square because it doesn't have equal edges.

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Square. Congruent means "the same". A rectangle with 4 sides that are the same is a square.

Is a Square the same thing as a rectangle?

Yes. Although a rectangle cannot be a square.

Is the square and the rectangle the same?


What is a rectangle?

A rectangle is defined in plane geometry as a quadrilateral where all four of its interior angles are right angles. Note that this also makes a square qualify as a rectangle, which it is. It's just that the square has all its sides the same length. A rectangel is just longer than a square.

Is area of a rectangle the same as its square footage?

If it is a perfect rectangle and you are measuring the sides by feet then the length times the width of a rectangle is the same as the square footage.

What is a difference between a square and rectangle is?

They are the same but a rectangle is longer wheras a square isn't.

How is a square a rectangle but a rectangle isn't a square?

A square is a 4-sided shape in which all of the sides are same length, but a rectangle is a 4-sided shape in which a side parallel to another side are the same length. A square meets a rectangle's requirements, but since the rectangle's sides don't all have to be the same size, it doesn't meet the square's requirements

How are sqares and rectangles different?

A square is always a rectangle, but a rectangle is not always a square. A square is a special rectangle that has all 4 sides the same length.