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Every material conducts electricity, some materials are just better than others. The best conducter of electricity is silver, but silver is very expensive. Because of this, copper is used as it is a very good conductor of electricity but it is cheap.

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Q: What material allows electrical energy to move through it?
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What a intervening substance that allows energy to pass?

That depends A LOT on the type of energy. For example, light energy will pass through transparent substances, such as glass; electrical energy (in the form of a current) will pass through conductors, especially metals, etc.

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A conductor is any material that allows an electric current to pass through easily and an insulator is a material that stops or slows energy

How does electrical energy travel?

Through electrical wires.

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Electrical energy is the energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor.

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The function of a light bulb in an electric circuit is that it turns electrical energy into light.

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A conductor is simply a material that allows electrical energy to pass through it these tend to be metals or molten metal ions.

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Why is less resistance for a conductor wire good?

Resistance in a wire restricts the movement of the electrons through the wire. This restriction transfers some of the energy contained in the electrons into the material of the wire and as this energy accumulates in the material of the wire the wire starts to heat. Therefore, there the energy that is transferred into the wire material is considered wasted because it is not available as electrical energy, which means the consumer who is using that wire is charge for the electrical energy that is waste. It the resistance is less in that conductor the consumer will save money.

What device convert heat energy into electrical energy?

It is a thermocouple that converts thermal energy into electrical energy through what is called the thermoelectric effect.