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Q: What term for the difference in electrical energy between 2 places in a circuit?
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A battery has a difference in potential energy between the positive terminal and negative terminal which units express this difference in energy?

That's a difference in electrical potential, not potential energy.It's described in units of "volts".

What is an equation for power?

Power = (energy used)/(time to use it)Power dissipated by an electrical circuit =(voltage across the circuit) x (current through the circuit)or(resistance of the circuit) x (square of the current through the circuit)or(square of the voltage across the circuit)/(resistance of the circuit)

If two potential energy were pointing in different directions will there be a current between two points?

Current will flow if there is a difference of potential energy and a path between those points.

What is the difference between power measurement and energy measurement?

Power and energy are closely related. Energy is a measure of the amount of work something has done or can do. It is measured in Joules in a laboratory, calories in certain other fields such as food and other units such as KWH for electrical supplies. As an example, a battery can provide a certain amount of energy which will be used up as the battery delivers a current to a circuit. Power is the amount of energy used or transferred in a certain amount of time so it is a measure of the rate of transfer of energy. It is measured in Watts. One Watt is equal to one Joule being used or transferred each second. Looking at the battery example once again, if the battery delivers energy at 3 joules every second, then its power output is 3W.

What is the difference between a recharge area and a discharge area?

Recharge is to put energy into something discharge is to release something ...

Related questions

What voltage difference in an electrical circuit is best described as pontential?

The voltage difference between two points in an electrical circuit is best described as electrical potential difference. This represents the energy per unit charge required to move a charge between those points.

What energy is measured in volts?

Voltage is the energy per unit charge that is measured in volts. It represents the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit.

What kind of energy is energy from separating charges?

Energy from separating charges is electrical energy. When charges are separated, there is a potential difference created between them, which can be harnessed to do work or create power in an electrical circuit.

Will there be a current between the two points if the electrical potential energy at one point in a circuit is greater than the electrical potential energy at another point?

Yes, there will be a current flowing between the two points if there is a difference in electrical potential energy. This potential difference causes charges to move and create an electric current to balance out the potential energy.

The difference in electrical potential energy between two places is called?

Voltage. Voltage is the measure of the electric potential energy difference between two points in an electrical circuit. It is typically measured in volts.

What is the difference between electrical potential and electromotive force?

Electrical potential refers to the electric potential energy per unit charge at a point in an electric field, measured in volts. Electromotive force (emf) is the energy per unit charge supplied by a source of electrical energy, such as a battery, to drive current through a circuit, also measured in volts. Essentially, electrical potential is a property of a point in the field, while emf is the force that drives the flow of charge.

What is the difference in electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit?

Yes. I think that is a definition of current.

What is the device used to measure electrical potential energy?

A voltmeter is typically used to measure electrical potential energy. It is connected in parallel with the component or circuit being measured to determine the voltage difference or potential between two points.

True or false are charges in an electric circuit flow because of a difference in electrical potential energy?

True. Charges in an electric circuit flow because of a difference in electrical potential energy. This difference causes the charges to move from areas of higher potential energy to areas of lower potential energy, thus creating an electric current.

The electrical potential energy in one point in a circuit is greater than the electrical potential energy at another point. Will there be a current between the two points Explain.?

Yes, there will be a current between the two points because a potential difference (voltage) exists between them. This potential difference will cause charges to flow from the higher potential energy point to the lower potential energy point, creating an electric current.

How does a battery create potential energy?

A battery creates potential energy by storing chemical energy within it. This chemical energy is converted into electrical energy when the battery is connected in a circuit, generating a potential difference between the battery's terminals. This potential difference allows the flow of electrons through the circuit, thereby enabling the battery to power electronic devices.

Does voltmeter measures the energy converted by a component?

No, a voltmeter measures the difference in electric potential between two points in a circuit, which is called voltage. It does not measure the energy converted by a component, but rather the electrical potential difference across that component.