

What metric SI is one-twenty fifth of an inch?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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One millimetre !

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Q: What metric SI is one-twenty fifth of an inch?
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Which unit is an si base unit?

There are seven SI Base Units. These are:metre -distancekilogram -masssecond -timeampere -electric currentkelvin -thermodynamic temperaturecandela -luminous intensitymole -amount of substanceAll other SI units are called Derived Units.Read more: at the related link

The different between si units and metric units?

Si and metric are the same thing. SI was a redefinition of metric in 1960.

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SI and metric are the same units.

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The SI (i.e. metric) unit is the Joule.The SI (i.e. metric) unit is the Joule.The SI (i.e. metric) unit is the Joule.The SI (i.e. metric) unit is the Joule.

What is also known as si or international system of units?

The metric system is the preferred system of scientific units for several reasons.The metric-based Système International or SI units are used to standardize the report or calculation of scientific quantities.

Which of these is an si base unit out of meter joule inch?

Inch is not an SI unit.

Is a SI (metric) base unit?

A second is a SI base unit.

What metric system is used around the world?

Most of the world uses the metric system for measurement. The main units used outside of the U.S.A. is the metric system or SI (System Internationale).

What is the two letter abbreviation for the metric system?

I think you are referring to SI, the international standard of measurement units agreed upon by the international scientific community. SI does not stand for the metric system per se, but it is not surprising that all of the SI units are metric since the world's preference for the metric system is almost universal. Currently there are only three countries in which the metric system is not the standard system of measurements.

Is meters in metric units?

Metre is the SI, or metric, base unit of length.

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There are no metric cups. A cup is no SI unit.

What is the difference between the metric system and SI?

There is no difference they are the same thingAnswerSI is the current version of the metric system.For example, the centimetre, the calorie, and the litre are examples of metric units, but they are not SI units.