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Q: What model of the universe did Galileo support?
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What happened to the existing model of the Universe after Galileo's observation?

Galileo is famous for observing and proving his heliocentric model of the universe. After his observation the existing model of the universe was slowly phased out.

Who developed ideas tHat contradicted ptomelys geocentric model Of the universe?

Galileo Galilei :)

Who developed ideas that contradicted Ptolemys geocentric model of the universe?

Copernicus and Galileo

Why did catholic church leaders oppose Galileo's sun centered model of the universe?

The Bible is written from an implicitly geocentric viewpoint, so if we take the Bible as the ultimate authority on everything, then it would be wrong to come to other conclusions such as the heliocentric theory, merely by observing the way the universe actually is. Incidentally, although Galileo did support the heliocentric theory, it was originally proposed by Copernicus. It isn't Galileo's model. Galileo did contribute to this theory with his astronomical observations, however.

Who devoloped ideas that contradicted ptolemy's geocentric model of universe?

Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo

Why was Galileo tried and sentenced to house arrest by the chatholic church?

Galileo challenged church teachings by saying that the heliocentric model of the universe was true

The scientist who first used a telescope to make discoveries that supported the heliocentric model was?

Galileo Galilei . He only helped support the theory through his observations , he didn't invent the model, Copernicus did.

How did data gathered using Galileo's telescope support the heliocentric model?

By looking into space with the telescope.

What are the geocentric and heliocentric theories of the universe?

The Geocentric or Ptolemaic Model put the earth at the center of the Universe. The Heliocentric Model postulated by Copernicus and, before him, Aristarchus, places the Sun at the center of the Solar System. Galileo's observations proved the validity of the Heliocentric Model.

Did Copernicus and Galileo believed that earth was at the center of the universe?

They believed in a heliocentric universe. This meaning that the earth was not the center of the universe, but that the sun was. However, many people , including the church, did not agree with this theory. Instead they believed in a geocentric universe. Plato and Aristotle believed in this theory.

Who was the first to use the telescope to observe Jupiters moon to support the heliocentric model of the solar system?


Who believed that the center of the universe?
