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Q: What name of the number is bigger than Graham's number?
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Is there a number bigger than graham's number?

Yes, there is, but it has no name, for grahams number was and is still the largest number with a name. To make a number larger than grahams number, you just need to make grahams number 1, but it would not have a name because it is not official, and if you try to write it down, you could not, because all matter in the universe transformed into pen ink could not write it down. And if you tried to type it, your computer or whatever you where typing it on would fail.

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What is the name of the highest number named?

The largest number known so far is called Grahams number. I don't know exactly how big it is, I just know it's bigger than a googleplex. A "google" is a 1 followed by 100 zeros, and a googleplex is a 1 followed by a google of zeros.

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Not one with a name!

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It is bigger

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I don't think that there is a number bigger than its square as you are timesing the number Not true. Any number between 0 and 1 is bigger than its square.

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You can make a fraction that is bigger, or smaller, than a mixed number.

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Is Graham's number bigger than a googolplexplex?

Graham's number is much bigger!