A number divided by 2 its reminder is 1, A number divided by 3 its reminder is 2, A number divided by 4 its reminder is 3, A number divided by 5 its reminder is 4, A number divided by 6 its reminder is 5, A number divided by 7 its reminder is 6, A number divided by 8 its reminder is 7, A number divided by 9 its reminder is 8, A number divided by 10 its reminder is 9 what is that number?
Divisor-A divisor is a number divided by another number.Ex: 6 divided by 3=2Dividend- A dividend is the number that another number is being divided by.Ex: 8 divided by 2=4
The number by which a number is divided is called the divisor. The number which is divided is called the dividend and the number resulting from the division is called the quotient.
When a number is divided by one then it is the number that is being divided by 1
Any number is divided by 1 is that number.
A negative number divided by a negative number is a positive number.
An even number can be divided by 2 evenly. An odd number will have a remainder of 1 when divided by 2. No odd number divided by 2 is even.
they divided by the number 60.
Any number divided by itself is the same as ' 1 '.
Any number can be divided by any number but not come out as a whole number,
any number divided by 1 it is itself 1 divided by 2 = 1 it is veryy easy so pls like
A number that is divided by another number is called the dividend. In a division operation, the dividend is the number that is being divided. The result of the division is called the quotient, while the number by which the dividend is divided is called the divisor.