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Any number can be subtracted. To reduce the fraction, you need to divide. In this case, 2 can be taken out. 34/54 = 17/27

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Q: What number can be subtracted from both the numberator and the denominator of thirty four over fifety four?
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I think you round the numberator to the nearest number it could be divided into and go from there.

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Multiply the numberator by a number and multiply the denominator by that same number. 25/100 ; 1/4 ; 2/8

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mixed # into an improper fraction: multiply the whole number by the denominator(bottom number ont he fraction) then add that number to the numberator(the top number of the fraction. and that's it! improper fraction into a mised number: divide the numberator by the denominator. whatever WHOLE number you get is your number, now for the fraction. whatever you got as the remander when you divided but that on top of the fration. ex 47/5. 5 goes into 47 9 times with a remander of 2. that equals 9 and 2/5.

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The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.The number to be subtracted is 11.

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The denominator (bottom number) must be the same for all the fractions being added or subtracted together.

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To find what equals 2/3, you can multiply the numberator and denominator by the same number to get an equivalent fraction. For example, multiply both numbers by 11 is 22/33. You can also change the fraction to a decima by dividing the numerator by the denominator.

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3 1/4 is 13/4 as an improper fraction. to change a mixed number to an improper fraction just multiply the denominator by the whole number then add the numberator to that product. Take the answer and put it over your denominator. In this case 4 is the denominator.. so you multiply that by the whole number which is 3 in this case... the product would be 12. then you add 12 by the numerator which is 1 in this case. this will equal 13. then you take 13 and put 13 over the denominator which is 4. and this is how you find a mixed number to an improper fraction.

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1 as a whole number and 3 fifteenths as the fraction, meaning 1 would stand alone on the left and 3 fifteenths would be in fraction form. Therefore 3 would be the numberator and 15 would be the denominator.

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To simplify, try dividing the numberator and the denominator by the same number. 9/45 = (9/3)/(45/3) = 3/15 (3/3)/(15/3) = 1/5 That's the simplest form of 9/45

What number can be subtracted from both the numerator and denominator of this fraction to produce the fraction on the right?

Without seeing the fractions in question it would be assumed that they would form equivalent fractions.

What is a negtive number subtracted by a negative number equal?

negative number subtracted FROM a negative number will be negative