

What number can go into both 85 and 99?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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It is 1

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Q: What number can go into both 85 and 99?
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What is a number both 85 and 99 can go into?

It is a member of the infinite set of numbers of the form 8415*k where k is an integer.

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the smallest number is 99. hope this helps

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Yes they will both go evenly into their LCM which is 3230

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Because the LCM of 2 numbers is what number they both go into evenly. As 33 goes into 99 3 times and 99 goes into 99 1 time evenly

Why is 85 composite?

85 is a composite number because numbers other then 1 and itself equally go into it. 5 x 17 = 85, so 5 and 17 both go into 85 making it a composite number. (All numbers ending in 5 are composite, because 5 goes into them.)

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there are no numbers that go into both 85 and 32 The factors for each number are as follows: 85 = 1, 5, 17, 85 32 = 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32

What number can go into 85?

1, 5, 17, 85.

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What can both go into 85 and 51?

Nothing. except for 1.

What goes into 17 and 85?

17 will go into both of them with no remainder