

What number does 5 9 and 11 go into?

Updated: 8/26/2019
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8y ago

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Their LCM is 495

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Q: What number does 5 9 and 11 go into?
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to answer this we can either divide by the divisor in each and compare the decimals, or do it the fractions way. Convert the bottom number in each to the same number (do the same to the top also). See below for the worked example: Find a number that 9 and 11 go into equally. The lowest is 99 (gotten from multiplying 9x11). Then as there are 11 9's in 99, you multiply 4 by 11, which is 44. as there are 9 11's in 99, you multiply 5 by 9 4/9 becomes 44 over 99. 5/11 becomes 45. Therefore 5/11 is slightly greater than 4/9

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The smallest number divisible by 5 7 9 11 13 and 15 is 45,045.

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Only 1 goes in to 9 and 11 as a whole number. Technically any number can go into any number.

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it has to be 11

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The mean is found by adding the values together and dividing by the number of values. 5+7+9+11+13+9 = 54 54 divided by 6 is 9. The mean of 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 9 is 9.

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9 is not a prime number as it is divisible by 3

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99 and all its multiples...

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