

What number does the decimal system go up to?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What number does the decimal system go up to?
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Why do humans use the decimal number system for counting?

Presumably because the digits on their hands add up to 10

Is number system is made up of eleven digits (0 through 10)?

The decimal system has ten digits (0 through 9)

When was the number zero introduced into the decimal system?

Because they needed something to represent nothing, so came up with 0.

If you rounded any decimal number?

You would end up with a decimal number with fewer significant digits.

How high can you count with a six decimal digit?

Up to 999999, one short of a million.

How do you write a fraction as a decimal with a whole number?

Divide the top number (numerator) by the bottom number (denominator) of the fraction and the number you come up with is your decimal.

What number is the tenth number after the decimal point in pi?

The number 5. This would round up, however, if ten decimal places are used. Pi to 10 decimal places is 3.1415926536 (5 rounded up to 6). Backspace

How does rounding work in the decimal system?

In the decimal system, when rounding numbers you look at the digit to the right of the desired decimal place. If that digit is 5 or greater, you round up; if it's less than 5, you round down. For example, if rounding to the nearest whole number and you have 4.6, it would round up to 5, but if you have 4.4, it would round down to 4.

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How can i round 5.67 to the nearest whole number?

6 If the decimal place is 4 or less, go down. 5 or more, go up.

How do you divide a whole number into a decimal?

When you are dividing a decimal by a whole number you have to bring up the decimal. For example, 36.4 divided by 2, you would take the decimal that is between the 6 and the 4 in 36.4 and you bring it up. Then you divide like you normally would.

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