

What number has the same GCF as 30?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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6y ago

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30 doesn't have a GCF. You need at least two numbers to have a GCF.

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Q: What number has the same GCF as 30?
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No but it can be the same as the biggest number as for example the gcf of 30 and 15 is 30

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The GCF of 6 and 30 is 6.

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The gcf of 20 and 30 means the greatest common factor. You can do this my dividing 20 and 30 by the same number. Eventually, you will get 10, no other number is greater than 10. 20/10 = 2 and 30/10 = 3. So your answer will be 10.

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The GCF is 2.

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60 and 120 have a GCF of 60. 60 and 180 also have a GCF of 60.

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The GCF is 30.

How do you find the gcf of a fraction?

The general idea is to find a common factor between the numerator and the denominator, so that you can simplify the fraction. One way is to find the prime factors for numerator and denominator, and look for common factors. This is appropriate for small numbers, but slow for larger numbers. A much faster method for large numbers is Euclid's algorithm. For example, to find the gcf of 70 and 40, subtract 70 - 40. You get 30. The gcf of 70 and 40 is the same as the gcf of 40 and 30. Continue, until one number is a multiple of the other: gcf of 40 and 30 is the same as gcf of 30 and 10; since 30 is a multiple of 10, 10 is the gcf.

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Their GCF which is 2

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Ten is the number you seek.