In Roman numerals, XXIIV does not represent a valid number. The Roman numeral system typically uses letters to represent numbers, with I representing 1, V representing 5, and X representing 10. When a smaller numeral precedes a larger one, it is subtracted from the larger numeral. In this case, XXIIV would be interpreted as 10 (X) + 10 (X) + 1 (I) + 1 (I) + 5 (V), which would be incorrect.
They didn't because it was the Etruscans that did and presumably it meant a double V (5) which is X (10). The Roman numeral system originated from the Etruscan numeral system and the Etruscans once ruled the Romans.
V is a roman numeral representing the number 5.
The roman numeral V or v represents the number 5.
I believe is "V"
The roman numeral V represents the number 5.
Roman Numeral MVX isnot written correctly thus it doesn't represent anynumber. V cannot be placed before X.
The Roman numeral V represents the number 5
The roman numeral V represents the number 5.
that would be No.5
The Roman numeral IV represents the number 4 in our modern Arabic numeral system. In Roman numerals, "I" represents 1 and "V" represents 5. When a smaller numeral (I) is placed before a larger numeral (V), it is subtracted from the larger numeral, resulting in 4.
The number 5000 can be represented by the numeral V with a horizontal bar placed above it or by the numeral [V]