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Three and 19.

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Q: What number is 57 divisible by besides itself and 1?
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Is the number 57 prime or composite?

You can see quickly that the number 57 is divisible by 3: 3 * 20 = 60 so if we remove one of those 3's then 3 * 19 = 57 so it is divisible by at least 3 and 19 (as well as itself and 1) Because it is divisible by numbers other than itself and one, 57 cannot be prime. You can also check to see if a number is divisible by 3 by adding its digits and checking to see if that number is divisible by 3: 5+7 = 12 ; and 12 is divisible by 3, so 57 is as well.

Is 57 prime composite or neither?

57 divided by 3 is 19. (Any number in which all the digits add up to equal a number divisible by 3 is divisible by 3. 5+7=12 which is divisible by 3.) And since 57 is divisible by more numbers than just 1 and itself it is a composite number.

Is 57 composite or prime?

57 divided by 3 is 19. (Any number in which all the digits add up to equal a number divisible by 3 is divisible by 3. 5+7=12 which is divisible by 3.) And since 57 is divisible by more numbers than just 1 and itself it is a composite number.

What goes into 57?

57 is a prime number meaning it is only divisible by itself and the number 1. no so does 3 (FL0W Answr ) Thats not true 19 goes into 57 3 times

Is 57 a prime or composite number?

composite. 57 divided by 3 is 19. (Any number in which all the digits add up to equal a number divisible by 3 is divisible by 3. 5+7=12 which is divisible by 3.) And since 57 is divisible by more numbers than just 1 and itself it is a composite number.57 is a composite number since it can be divided by 3.57/3 = 19Composite.

What Is the number 57 divisible by?

57 = 3 x 19 so 57 is divisible by 1, 3, 19 and 57.

Is the number 57 a prime number?

No, it is divisible by 3 & 19

Why is the number 57 not a prime number?

because it is divisible by 3!

What number is divisible by 57?

Any of its multiples! Simply calculate any of the following: 57 x 0 57 x 1 57 x 2 57 x 3 57 x (-1) 57 x (-2) etc., and you get a number that is a multiple of 57, and therefore, divisible by 57.

Is 57 a prime number?

To be sure, prime numbers are a number which cannot be divisible by every number except for itself and one. Take 5 for an example. There is no possible number which is divisible by itself except for itself and one. So, 5 is a prime number.2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97 are all prime numbers to 100. Let's refresh our mind. Now, 57 has factors of 1, 3, 19, and 57. Let's remove the 57 and 1. Now, 3 and 19 are all the factors of 57.

What number between 55-60 is divisible by 3?

The number is 57.

What is the number between 55 and 60 that is divisible by 3?

It is 57.