To be precise, millennium is not itself a number; it is a number of years. A millennium is one thousand years. The 'mill' affix means one thousand, and the 'ennium' has its origin in the word annum, the Latin word for year. Millennium can also refer in general to a future hoped-for eutopian age.
The phone number of the Millennium Park is: 312-742-1168.
Your Delta Luv millennium crib is not under recall.
1999 with The Millennium Prayer.
Millenium puzzle millennium key millennium rod millennium necklace millennium eye millennium scales millennium ring
millennium puzzle/pendant yugi the millennium eye pegasus the millennium ring bakura the millennium scale shadi the millennium key shadi the millennium touqe/necklace ishisu the millennium rod marik
Non-millennium is an antonym for millennium.
A millennium
Research has shown that there are a number of options available for purchasing a model of the Millennium Falcon. The best selection for these models can be found on Amazon or eBay.
2nd millennium
There is no antonym of Millennium.