It is rational.
.085 is a decimal number equivalent to a fraction. The expression 'whole numbers' refers to positive integers including zero :- 0,1,2,3,4, and so on. .085 can be expressed as a fraction 85/1000 which can be simplified to 17/200
The number of formula units is 0,602 214 085 7.10e23.
Ajay Devgan phone number is 982-071-0615. This can be looked up and found online.
.085 inches of sheet metal is typically 12 gauge.
{| |- | Psychoses |}
You would dial 0011 353 plus the rest of the number without the first zero.
.085 meters
1, 5, 17, 85
add 00353 before the number. all mobile numbers start with 085/086/087/083 if you are calling a mobile you simply dial 00353+86/7/3/5.... take away the 0 out of the 086 likewise for 087/085/083