6001 millimeters is bigger than 6 meters.
6,001 is composite.
Integers: 6001. Real numbers: There is no such number. You can get closer and closer, yet there will always be a smaller number (6000.1, 6000.01, 6000.001, ... you can go on and on).
The phone number of the Symmes Township is: 513-369-6001.
The phone number of the Museum Of Ceramics is: 330-386-6001.
100% equals the number. Less than 100% is less than the number. Greater than 100% is greater than the number.
A negative number is less than a positive number. Think about it this way: a negative number is less than 0. A positive number is greater than 0. Therefore, a negative number must be less than a positive number.
less than
less than
less than
the result is a number less than the original number