

What number is the last amendment?

Updated: 4/5/2021
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12y ago

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27 is the last number of the amendments?

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Q: What number is the last amendment?
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Was the last amendment added?

The Last amendment was added in 1992 which was the twenty-seventh amendment.

When was the last amendment was passed?

the last amendment was passed in 1992

Last failed amendment?

amendment that is failed

In what year was the last amendment ratified?

The last amendment, which is the 27th Amendment to the United States Constitution, was ratified in 1992.

Is the 10th Amendment the last Amendment to the Constitution?

No, the Tenth Amendment is the last Amendment in the Bill of Rights (the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution). As of 2011, the US Constitution has 27 Amendments; the last, concerning compensation to members of Congress, was ratified in 1992.

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Amendment number 18.

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Amendment number 18.

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When was the last amendment to the Constitution?

The last successful Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was the XXVII (27th Amendment) and was ratified May 5, 1992 It states: No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened. The last Unsuccessful Amendment was the Victims' Rights Amendment proposed in 2003.

What was the last amendment written?

The 27th amendment, which was finally ratified in 1992.